Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Good movie you've probably never heard of. Obviously its about a prison break out. I liked it, a sleeper. It's not on my top ten, but i'd rent it before most of the other films on the new release list.

From Paris with Love

Really... I felt like nobody tried when making this movie. Then the Pulp Fiction line... Really... It didn't SUPER suck, if you can get over cheeze effect and want a mindless hour and a half, ok.

Book of Eli

Friggin A. Rent it. Loved it. Post Apocalyptic, original, and who knew Denzel could still be so bad ass.


Worth a rent. Don't rush out. Middle of the road, slow Sunday....


I liked this movie. I wasn't sure where it was going in the beginning, but was pleasantly surprised when it got dark and a little gory. I'd put this in the que. Cool topic, good acting, satisfyingly different.

Youth In Revolt

Already a Cult Classic, we're still talking about it. Hecka funny, and even though you may think that Michael Cera is type cast and running the Heder risk, he pulls it out and totally redeems himself. Good for girls and boys, anyway, I'd put this in the top 3 for rentals right now if you haven't seen it.

Green Zone

Blah. Guess what, politically motivated wanna be Borne flick, and even those weren't that good. Action was decent, production value and cinematography was good.... but it's like a mad lib episode, just plug in a different actor and crap out a film.

Single Man

Yeah Yeah, Tom Ford's first directed movie, I'm sure you've all heard that. Great cinematography, really well done. A Single Man is definitely for the patient, but if you can get around a slow movie, with a simple topic then this movie is for you. Colin Firth's nomination for awards is justified, since the entire movie is basically about his coping.

Anyway, good movie, rent it, but make sure you know its a slow movie.


I liked it. It's a rainy Tuesday. Yes, Julianne Moore is slightly annoying, but I didnt' expect this movie to be as racy as it was. Kind of a mind bender / thriller. Recommended for a date night for 2 people who can stand Julianne Moore.

She's out of my league

A Joel reco. Funny. Totally recommend.

Cop Out

This looked totally stupid. I wasn't going to get it. we ran out of movies to see this week and picked it up. It's not bad. Tracy Morgan comedy I think is always good. He's his standard funny, I have a feeling he wrote some of his lines. Standard die Hard Performance from Bruce Willis. Bottom of the list, but watchable.

Girl with a Dragon Tatoo

Yup hella good. Reco from Steve who really liked it. Obviously the books get rave reviews. This seems to deviate off the book's path a little, but works in the end, accomplished the task. 2 Things. First swedish actors are super ugly. More real life i guess. Second, get this before the American version comes out. This is subtitled, but super dark and graphic, something I think will be lost when Hollywood gets there hands on it.

Total reco, top of the que

The Horseman

I can't say it better than the review on the cover.

"A very Badass Revenge Flick"

Low production, Australian (guessing). Gory, but satisfyingly awesome even if the main character deserved a cape in the role.

Repo Men

Rent it. I would rent it before most things at BB this summer. Sci Fi future flick. You know the plot. Small spoiler in the movie, this negated to some how good the movie was, it didn't bother me too much. I don't think the female unit liked it as much.

Brooklyn's Finest

Training Day redux... kind of. This movie has gotten mixed reviews, some love, some hate. I think it does what you know it will do. Gritty police tale / with a dark twist, about life on the streets. Action was good, movie was believable. I think when you have good actors it helps, Don Cheadle is probably entertaining eating cereal. The villain in the film was a stretch. Watchable, I wouldn't go out of my way to get it, but if your cruising for something on a plane it passes the time well. Welcome back Wesley Snipes....

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Cute kids movie. It was totally PG, because of gross jokes and rudeness :) (self proclaimed)

It was a funny film, Brynn really wanted to see it, I think she read the book. If you have to watch a kids movie with nephews or something, this one won't kill you.

IP Man

Critics rated it "the best martial arts movie of all time hands down." Well that's a tall statement considering Tony Jaa makes movies. I can say it was close. It is a true story based on a real person, so that helps. This was a Chinese movie, definitely smaller production. I thought it was really good. Innovative fight scenes, traditionally stylized. I liked it a lot... better than Tom Yum Goong.... nah, but better than most for sure.